June 5, 2021
Becoming a Partner in Your Care: MDS Support Group
Becoming a Partner in Your Care: MDS Support Group
Join us for a free webinar to support our patients and loved ones. This webinar will address all aspects of becoming a partner in your care. We invite you to learn more about self-care, and the physical, social, and emotional challenges that patients and caregivers face. Whether you are a patient or caregiver, you will be able to connect with others, gather ideas, learn about resources, and ask questions.
Sandra Kurtin, PhD, ANP-C, AOCN
Access to the meeting outputs are available below by clicking on each topic.
Our Supporters
Thank you to Bristol-Myers Squibb, Novartis, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Takeda Oncology, Acceleron, and Gamida Cell for supporting this initiative.