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In 2009 a group of international investigators aligned through the MDS Foundation created the International Working Group for the Prognosis in MDS (IWG-PM). The focus of this working group is aimed at defining the clinical, biologic and molecular features of MDS thus providing the foundation for understanding the nature and potential for progression of this spectrum of disorders.

The International Working Group for Prognosis in MDS (IWG-PM) consists of a group of international investigators aligned through the MDS Foundation whose focus is aimed at defining the clinical and biologic features of MDS thus providing the foundation for understanding the nature and potential for progression of this spectrum of disorders. To this end the group has generated programs leading to seminal projects and publications characterizing and classifying the disease. Current group investigations include determining the impact of mutational features that further delineate disease status and potential therapeutic targets providing novel treatment approaches for MDS.


MDS Risk Assessment Calculators*

The IWG-PM under the aegis of the MDS Foundation, Inc. has developed two prognostic tools, the IPSS-M and IPSS-R Calculators, to determine a patient’s risk of progressing to Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).


The IPSS-M is the newest MDS prognosis calculator that combines genomic profiling with hematologic and cytogenetic parameters, improving the risk stratification of patients with MDS. This is a valuable tool for clinical decision-making, offering the prospect of tailoring diagnosis and therapeutic interventions to each patient’s molecular profile.


The IPSS-R is the current MDS prognosis calculator that combines hematologic and cytogenetic parameters to determine an MDS patient’s risk stratification. This calculator tool includes clinical features of marrow blasts, cytogenetics, depth of cytopenias and age as well as the additive differentiate features for patient survival of performance status, serum ferritin, LDH, beta-2 micro globulin and marrow fibrosis.

Current IWG-PM Projects

Project: Clinical characterization/classification of MDS

Clinical characterization/classification of MDS – an international group of researchers involved in patient classification, stratification, and prognosis to refine the currently accepted and utilized prognostic scoring systems (IPSS, WPSS) and propose prognostic scoring systems into an improved internationally accepted system.

Project:  Molecular classification of MDS Subtypes—Retrospective analysis

Molecular classification of MDS Subtypes – the development of a comprehensive risk algorithm that considers the composite molecular and clinical parameters that define a patient’s disease to capture more accurately patients with higher risk disease early; identify molecular patient subgroups that benefit from specific therapeutic intervention strategies (i.e hypomethylating agents) and thus deliver more effective treatment options in MDS – Retrospective analysis.

Project:  IWG-PM/Molecular Project: Molecular/Clinical classification of MDS—Prospective analysis

Bernard E, Tuechler H, Greenberg PL, Hasserjian RP, et al Molecular International Prognosis Scoring System for Myelodysplastic Syndromes (IPSS-M). Proc ASH 2021, Atlanta, December, #61

Molecular classification of MDS Subtypes – the development of a comprehensive risk algorithm that considers the composite molecular and clinical parameters that define a patient’s disease to capture more accurately patients with higher risk disease early; identify molecular patient subgroups that benefit from specific therapeutic intervention strategies (i.e hypomethylating agents) and thus deliver more effective treatment options in MDS – Prospective analysis

Coordinating Committee: Elli Papaemmanuil, Ben Ebert, Rafael Bejar, Peter Greenberg

Oversight Steering Committee: Ben Ebert, Peter Greenberg, Elli Papaemmanuil, Rafael Bejar, Mario Cazzola, Luca Malcovati, Detlef Haase, Joop Jansen, Torsten Haferlach, Eva Hellstrom-Lindberg, Seishi Ogawa, Arjan van de Loosdrecht, Robert Hasserjian

Web-calculator developers: Juan Esteban Arango Ossa, Elsa Bernard, Peter Greenberg, Elli Papaemmanuil, Gary Nolan, James Badman, Tom Penfold, Nevena Krstic, Tracey Iraca and Lea Harrison

Latest News Regarding the Molecular Mutation Project of the International Working Group for Prognosis in MDS (IWG-PM)

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*Data for the IPSS-R & IPSS-M calculators are derived from:

  • Bernard  E, Tuechler H, Greenberg PL, et al, The Molecular International Prognosis Scoring System (IPSS-M) for risk stratification in myelodysplastic syndromes. New Eng J Med Evidence. Study supported by the MDS Foundation.
  • Greenberg P, Tuechler H, Schanz J, et al, Revised International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS-R) for Myelodysplastic Syndromes. Blood 120: 2454-2465, 2012. 

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The MDS Foundation
4573 South Broad St., Suite 150
Yardville, NJ 08620

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A global non-profit advocacy organization, supporting patients, families and healthcare providers in the fields of MDS and its related diseases for over 30 years

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